a montage of images showing Sitability's bespoke Confor-Fit upholstery on three different chair designs

Confor-fit Bespoke Upholstery

When standard seating upholstery cannot provide sufficient support and creates postural pain we can assist with individual hand-shaped upholstery that provides full support to the back or to the seat.

We have over thirty years experience creating designs to resolve posture related pain.

We handcraft using an extensive range of high performance foams and memory foams which vary in softness and density.

We combine strategically placed aircell/s and when required the Schukra pelvic/lumbar support.

On-site assessments are carried out to ensure we accurately assess the posture used in the workplace.

In addition to providing Confor-fit upholstery on our powered chairs we provide Confor-fit upholstery on our Symphony range of office seating.

Contact us for more information

For all enquiries

0118 957 4620

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